It’s a great opportunity for climbers wanting to transition to the outdoors to learn the basics of bouldering outdoors.
Peter will be running a mini-workshop in the morning to go through basics such as boulder pad placement, building landings and effective spotting. There are numerous boulders at a range of grades so you’ll be sure to have fun.
If you’ve had enough bouldering, you could jump on a rope and do some climbing! There are over 200 routes at Wilyabrup with 3-star classics such as Banana Split – 13, Hope – 14, One for the Road – 18, Stainless Steel – 21 and KGB – 26.
For those interested in learning to set up top ropes, Jiri will be running a mini-workshop in the mornings going through what gear you need, and how to set up a top rope where there are bolted anchors as well as with trad anchors.
If you are looking at getting into trad climbing, there’s an opportunity to second a trad climb, get familiar with the process, effective communication and how to clean gear.
It’ll be a great 3 days of fun whether you want to boulder, climb, or starfish!
A big bonus is that camping fees for Gracetown Caravan Park will be covered by your CAWA membership! Yes, that’s right… FREE CAMPING!
Spots are limited so get in early and keep your eyes on our Facebook for updates!