Reply To: Bolting Systems used in WA

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    in regards to the glue in systems. Powers KF2 and ramset 101 are used extensively throughout the east coast of australia. they are quick setting and fairly fuss free. they are polyester based adhesives. Ramset 801 is used to a lesser extent. its an epoxy resin and is a lot stronger than the KF2 or 101 but a lot messier and take 24hrs to cure. you can get the KF2 or 101 fairly cheaply (ie $25 per tube) and they useually do about 20 bolts per tube depending on how efficiently you use them.

    Trubolts are fantastic bolts for solid rock. they offer the best strength to hole diameter ratio as the shaft of the bolt is the same as the hole size (where dynabolts the shaft is 2mm smaller than the hole size due to the sleave).

    the Fixe double wedge bolts are great bolts. i can get them a fair bit cheaper than $15 if anyone wants any.


    Steve H

    stephen_hawkshaw (@)