Reply To: Re-bolting of “Morning Glory” at Stathams

Home Forums Bolting Re-bolting of “Morning Glory” at Stathams Reply To: Re-bolting of “Morning Glory” at Stathams


    I don’t think the routes on Gibraltar Rock need any more bolts. There is a balance of runout old school climbs vs “safe-ish” newer ones. Dockyard Wall, Illusions of Grandeur, Possum and the other nameless old school classics deserve to be left as is with their 30m+++ runouts. The newer climbs – Sucked in Ben, Rooster Carnage, Let the Fun Begin, Dinosaur, Joint Venture etc have enough bolts to keep things relatively sane. As Peter said, climbing an easier run out climb can be just as much of an achievement as climbing a harder clip up. We need to maintain the variety that already exists in WA and acknowledge that both of these styles are warranted.

    It’s nice to see the other comments from closet marsupials on the subject. Long live those with hairy noses !

    The number of people claiming to be bolters seems a little high given the amount of new routes that appear in WA over the years….

    One last Q; assuming a glued in carrot does pull out @ 2kN, how the hell can you generate an outward force of 2kN on a route like MG let alone 10kN ?!?!