Reply To: Re-bolting of “Morning Glory” at Stathams

Home Forums Bolting Re-bolting of “Morning Glory” at Stathams Reply To: Re-bolting of “Morning Glory” at Stathams


    Rod, Kris and others…

    you continually confuse ‘rebolting’ with ‘retrobolting’. You also seem to continually confuse ‘carrots’ with ‘glue-in hex heads’. How come?

    Rod, regarding you comment of “i bet the critics will dump their forum ethics and proceed to use it” – well, what choice do we have when you force your ethics (or lack of) onto me? And before you throw that back at me, MG was bolted about 13 years or so ago using carrots – which, I agree, need to be replaced, as do most carrots. But you fail to see that in those 13 years MG has been climbed many times and no one has ever complained before that the hex-heads were difficult to clip or made the climb too hard or went against their ethics – so why now?

    Certainly people have complained that the zinc-plated carrots did not meet specs on safety grounds and even did not meet official CAWA bolting guidelines, but that is all. The ‘ethics’ issues of carrots have never stopped anyone climbing on MG.