2 American Naval officers looking for climbing partners/guides

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares 2 American Naval officers looking for climbing partners/guides

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  • #5615 Reply

      I’m going to be visiting Perth for a few days in late September and would love to check out some local climbing. I’m looking for someone local that won’t mind showing a couple guys around for a day. We’re plenty of fun and I’ll have my rack which is big enough for any top roping, sport climbs or shorter trad climbs. We’ll even throw in a few rounds at the pub later if that will help sweeten the deal! Let me know if you’re up for the challenge. Thanks,

      #5616 Reply

        Possibly up for it but would need some dates to have a better idea


        #5617 Reply

          If your couple of days includes the 29th, 30th September and 1 October you might be able to make it to some gorgeous granite in a karri forrest. Up to 3 pitches, as hard you like and/or as pleasant as you could wish. Post a reply and we’ll see what’s possible.



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