2 new climbs at statham’s

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  • #7117 Reply

      * Mount Everest (16, 6850m) FA: Ross Weiter, Jon Gregg, 20/1/08

      This is now the third bolted route from the left side of the Central Slab at the back of the quarry. Save much $$ and brag to your friends about doing the deed. 6 GIMBs to loweroffs.

      The other 2 bolted climbs are (from left) Blah, Blah Blah (16) and Twenty Easy Steps (17)…all in the shade before 10am. For the stronger crowd there is this:

      *** Agent de France (23, 18m) FA: Ross Weiter, Jon Gregg, 20/1/08

      Start 3m L of Chain Reaction (22) and power up this gym monkey challenge. 4 rings to loweroffs. This is harder than CR, which is NOT a 23.

      Together with the other 4 bolted routes in this corner this is now a pretty decent workout area….in the shade until 1pm in summer. Quarry code is 1999 (right now).

      #7118 Reply

        Excellent work Ross. But why 6850m ? that only gets me to camp 1

        #7119 Reply
        Mark W

          I jumped on Agent de France yesterday. It probably goes without saying that you should watch out for sharp holds. I slipped off just past the first bolt and put some deep slices through my left hand from the awkward bulgy hold near the glue.

          For this type of injury, I highly recommend a dressing called “fleximol”. You can apply it straight on the cleaned wound. It will keep the slice closed together whilst still remaining very flexible. Costs about $3/m so throw some in your first aid kit. You do have a first aid kit right?

          #7120 Reply
          shane shaw

            nice climbs Rosss. Had a play on them on Saturday and unsure which is which but on the first of the 3 i stood up and then broke of a piece of rock and took a tumble. Then on the middle climb ? I got up to the vertical face and grab a nice hold 3/4 way up an as I pull up a big size block weighing around 10kgs broke away and landed between my belayer and the person belaying on the next climb missing them all. Oh plus I took another tumble.

            Oh the joys of climbing great feeling

            #7121 Reply

              Jesus, Shane, stay off those frigging climbs, the bloody rock is not strong enough 4u! Go and pick on a hunk of granite somewhere, prefereably without holds to brek off, may I suggest “Grunt” at Toodyay Boulders?…..

              #7122 Reply
              shane shaw

                maybe I should climb steel play grounds. or diamond rock

                #7123 Reply

                  Hey Shane,

                  I’m happy for you to climb everything, then I know a little bloke like me will be 100% safe. Quarries are basically new rock, pulling off dodgy pieces is acceptable and normal, it’s not like you hit it with a chisel and hammer.

                  You won’t hurt “Grunt”. It will hurt you.



                  #7124 Reply
                  shane shaw

                    thanks Toc, thats the way I looked at it and also the people I was climbing with. I was jkust cleaning the route and making it safer for everyone. Taking the risks and putting myself at risk so others can climb safer 🙂

                    Well thats my story mate.

                    Going to Willy’s on the week-end so don’t know if you are going anywhere but if you make it down there Sunday all day is the day, should be a few of us there.

                    #7125 Reply

                      Why three stars for a route that needs glue to keep the holds on? Why use the glue at all? Just pull it down and see what is behind it.

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