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  • #5038 Reply

      It has been revealed that for any recreational climbers who wish to use either of the quarries have to book a place through the Perth Hills National PArks Centre T/P 9295-2244. There seems to be a limit of 40 persons allowed to be there at any 1 time. To add to this, I rang today to book a place for myself and son for Saturday and was told that it was booked out and that there was an Airforce group of 40 people using the quarry so therefore noone else was allowed to use it. You run the risk of being asked to leave by the ranger should he come along.

      Furthermore, I was also told that to be able to climb at either of the quarries you had to sign and return an Indemnity Agreement…..

      Now without saying too much, and only having been a climber for a very short time, I see this as a bit ridiculous because without the efforts of various people and CAWA there would be no bolted lines on the quarry and therefore noone would be climbing there. So if not for these people and organisations climbers would not even go there and now all this bullshit about regulations and access.

      The Indemnity Agreement is not specific and does not mention climbing. I have had independant legal advise in relation to the Agreement and if signed you wavier all rights no matter what happens, be you a walker, climber, whatever you are doing there.

      I have mentioned this to CAWA and I believe talks are about to take place.

      Thus the dilema now is if you don’t book and don’t sign you are not allowed there. If you decide to just go anyway it may cause hassles and possibly result in the implementation of further restrictions. Or you may be just asked to leave by the ranger. The ranger is a very nice guy and just doing his job.

      Anyway until this is resolved I might just go to Churchmans.

      Anmy comments or suggestions.

      #5039 Reply

        Personally I have had no major problems with either abseilers or rangers and any minor ones were usually worked out pretty quick.

        A lot of people use these quarries, not just climbers and abseilers but walkers, sightseers, etc…

        I doubt very much all these people are going to book or sign a waiver, including myself. Does anyone know how many groups use these quarries? How many want exclusive access when they book? I don’t mind sharing but hate being told that an outdoor recreation area is potentially off limits. Any thoughts?

        #5040 Reply
        ed nepia

          i’ve climbed all over the world and have never, ever heard of a situation like this

          from my very limited understanding of local issues it does seem that

          the local climbing group CAWA had no prior knowledge of requirements for bookings/waivers

          the department seems to have set a precedent favouring use by commercial operators over legitimate recreational users (as evidenced by the commercial operator knowing the booking system existed and calling the rangers in when they felt that thier booking had been violated)

          i have been a professional instructor/guide for over 20 years and wherever i have operated it has been possible to find room for commercial and recreational groups to use the same areas. in fact its a necessity that commercial groups maintain sensitvity toward recreational groups by not monopolising crags/routes. this recognises that recreational users are primarily responsible for the development and upkeep of climbing areas.

          Had the instructor in the weekend been reasonable he would have realised that his activitys could have happily coexisted alongside the climbers, everyone would have been happy

          any hazards created by the numbers of users at the quarry were created by the actions of the instructor in throwing ropes without warning into areas where climbers and their kids were sitting, and by behaving in such a belligerent and threatening manner that he may have been at some risk of being clobbered

          it seems that the department is happy to provide large concrete picnic shelters, toilets and interpretative signage consistent with use by large numbers of people and yet have a well hidden policy of limiting numbers. this seems very strange

          the idea of booking to use an outdoor climbing area is ludicrous and i believe local climbers should be very concerned with the implications that this policy has for the future of their ‘sport’

          picture this… you turn up at the quarry having forgotten to book, a commercial operator reaches for the phone and dobs you in to the rangers……you run, then think no i

          ‘ll morph into a walker and just go for a hike into the quarry, sorry says the ranger your number 41.. out you go!… so you decide to book for next weekend but its booked out, and the next , and the next, and the next…. but finally in late january you get a free spot , for one, so you and your wife toss a coin and she gets to go and takes your 1 year old … but the one year old counts as one adult , and has to be left in the car….

          if the booking system must remain then should their be quotas for numbers of recreational vis commercial users? why is it limited to 40? the quarry can accomodate hundreds… should CAWA block book every day from now till say 2097?

          and as for waivers!! jesus has australia turned into the states in the few years i have been away?

          good luck to all involved in resolving this issue, if thier is anything i can do to help please let me know,

          #5041 Reply

            these quarries are in parks and so rangers can kick anyone out, but they can’t make you sign a waiver. If a park is open to the public it is the park’s custodian’s obligation to provide a duty of care.

            My belief is use common sense. if you hurt yourself take responsibility for it rather than becoming a yank based “sue everyone” state.

            #5042 Reply
            ed nepia

              but on waht grounds can they kick you out? fair enough if your damaging the environment/facilities, doing unlawful stuff… but can they really kick you out for climbing?

              it does sound like you dont have a choice with waivers, so ignoring them may not be an option…

              #5043 Reply

                haha, i can’t see them approving our extreme golf outings (we’ve hidden ourselves in boya for the moment)

                #5044 Reply
                SHANE SHAW

                  I reckon we should vote for Ed in the upcoming Federal Election. Well put Ed, I agree 200 % Maybe if the Department won’t budge, then it might be something that an Investigative reporter may be interest in. I reckon CAWA should book the quarry every Saturday and Sunday until 2035. And lets not forget also allow the other Commercial Companies and groups that do co-exist with Recreational climbers a spot there too.

                  #5045 Reply

                    hi shane and all climbers,

                    i think about a lettre to Department of Enviroment, expressing intrest from climbers to sate our interest to keep this recreational activity going without paying money to an commercial outdoor organisation to go officialy to the quarries.and additional the.hopefully the lettre will be available from [email protected] not wriiten yert but in weeks time it will,additionaly we should put up a note and the lettre in the gyms so anzone just can make a copy and send it to the Department of Environment and i think resources have you got bz the waz their adress and tel number, additionalz we just book for next year the cliffs for every day!

                    #5046 Reply

                      hi shane and all climbers,

                      i think about a lettre to Department of Enviroment, expressing intrest from climbers to sate our interest to keep this recreational activity going without paying money to an commercial outdoor organisation to go officialy to the quarries.and additional the.hopefully the lettre will be available from [email protected] not written yet but in weeks time it will,additionaly we should put up a note and the lettre in the gyms so anyone just can make a copy and send it to the Department of Environment and i think resources have you got by the way their adress and tel number, y we just book for next year the cliffs for every day!

                      #5047 Reply

                        Hi everybody,

                        We have had preliminary discussions with DEC about the quarries and other places. Booking is asked of commercial and group users everywhere, and fair enough. There are limits on numbers at Mountain and Statham’s Quarries and also at Willyabrup. 40 at the quarries and 90 at Willyabrup. At the moment DEC is saying that at the quarries 40 is a strict limit and at Willyabrup, 90 applies only to organised groups. Small groups of individuals don’t need to book for Willy’s. CAWA as a group is supposed to when we run trips to the area. Willy’s is a big place with plenty of room.

                        DEC are having internal discussions about the quarries and we are waiting for the results of those discussions.

                        Cheers all,


                        #5048 Reply
                        SHANE SHAW

                          Thanks Toc, keep us posted mate

                          By the way you look 20 years younger without the beard mate.

                          #5049 Reply
                          Scott B


                            Does anyone know the new codes for Mountain and Stathams quarries? At least Mtn has been changed recently.

                            I’d rather not ring the Fascist Parks Regime to book and get the codes until this access issue is resolved.


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