Accommodation at Mt Frankland

Home Forums Organise a climbing trip Accommodation at Mt Frankland

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Richard.
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  • #13907 Reply

    Can anyone who  has been before recommend accommodation options for the upcoming Mt Frankland trip?

    I know there is a camp site but since its a long weekend its is guaranteed to be filled up.

    #13908 Reply

      Hi Mark

      The campsite is excellent and pretty much the main viable reasonably close option and is always where we stay. It can get a little crowded but generally it is not a problem to fit everyone in. And the reason it gets crowded is because we all converge on it, not because of other campers.

      If you want to chat about it then feel free to give me a call. I don’t want to post my number here but you can email me at tigervet28 at yahoo dot com dot au.




      #13909 Reply

        The MF weekend is listed on the events page as 27 to 29 October , which is not a long weekend?

        #13912 Reply

          Yeah thats wrong.

          It should be the 29th, 30th and 1st.

          Thats a Sat, Sun and Monday…

          Apologies All.

          #13915 Reply

            Yes, begining of October, not the end. There is another campsite before Beardmore Rd, forget the name. The weather this time of year is not always ideal for MF, so the main campsite should have space. We used to camp right by the cliffs until DEC developed the area. If there are too many tourists it  might be nice to look at Mt Roe .

            #13961 Reply

            Hi everyone. Please see the post for the Mount Frankland trip – Sat 29th September to Monday 1 October 2012 – Queen’s Birthday long weekend…

            If you are current CAWA members, you would have recieived an email with the registration form. If you are not a CAWA member and want to come along on the trip, you will ned to join CAWA here..

            #13963 Reply

              yes, saw the email. Interesting that you describe MF as a -beginner’s crag-.   Maybe a beginner with slab experience. Apart from Ross’ new climbs, Bengal Tiger, Purring Pussies, all multi-pitch. Of which maybe three are accessible to beginners. And the easy popular classic Free Burma, has a fairly lethal run-out on the second pitch. Still , best slabbing in the state and some mega classics. Hannibal, Eagles Dare, Dickheads and Dinosaurs. Those new to slabbing either love it or hate it.

              #13964 Reply

                Correction, the climbs on the upper terrace are single pitch, Jugular, Three is the Key,  etc. But they can be fairly serious. The only easy one, Drop Bear’s Garden, is probably a waterfall this time of year.

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