Agent de france

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  • #6129 Reply

      Sorry to say but last weekend while climbing this route my buddy,who is only a lightweight, while pulling through the crux, managed to snap off the hold and fling it at me very fast in one motion. Still probably same grade but a little different technique. So anyway, sorry about that ross but maybe that bit needed glue too?

      #6130 Reply

        Me thinks no need for glue, it is interesting to watch the climb evolve, hopefully we can evolve with it. There is a plethora of holds on it, ripping them off just changes the sequence a bit. Helmet is a good idea. Eventually the thing should settle down, it is just 3mths old…. The only place where I used glue was within 3m of ground and that was because I had a bit left in the glue gun at that point so I figured I will either use it or throw it away…

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