Albany/Denmark local climbing crew – is there one?

Home Forums Climbing Talk Albany/Denmark local climbing crew – is there one?

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  • #6246 Reply

      Hello all. I am considering a relocation to the Denmark/Albany region to live. Was wondering if there is a keen local scene/crew in the area? Thanks to all.

      #6247 Reply

        Hey there Scott, Im keen always to climb but am a little further north in Cranbrook (bout an hour)… Dont mind driving tho and would be definitely up for a mission somewhere, either up my way to the stirlings or porongys or anywhere round albany etc… E mail is [email protected] Drop me a line if your heading down this way… Cheers mate.

        #6248 Reply
        Scott F

          Hi mate…thanks for away with work at the moment but when things settle down and get warmer will be in touch…look forward to swapping leads..keep smiling …scott

          #6249 Reply

            Always smilin mate take care talk to ya then

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