Aug/Sep partners wanted

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Aug/Sep partners wanted

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  • #9763 Reply
    Ryan Sturgeon

      Hey Guys,

      I’m heading back to Perth from July 28 until September 12 and am looking for some people to climb with. I grew up in Perth, but only discovered climbing after moving away, hence I have no climbing mates locally.

      I’ll have a car for most of that time and am most likely bringing basic rack and rope. Definitely keen to hit up some trad, but happy to climb on bolts or gym too.

      I’m 27 and currently climbing around 16/17 on gear and 18/19 sport.

      I’m not likely to be working a great deal, so should be available quite regularly. My number is 0408097827 and email is [email protected]



      #9764 Reply

        Hi Ryan

        Not sure that the weather will allow much outdoors at this time, but I’m definitely keen for some indoors.

        Email me [email protected]

        #9765 Reply
        Brett bailey

          Hey Ryan, I have just moved back hear my self. I live down near albany, haunt been on the rock for a bit but defo keen!

          #9766 Reply
          Ryan Sturgeon

            Hey Brett,

            Doubt I’ll be heading down Albany way, but if you find yourself in the Perth area, feel free to give me a call on the number above.

            Bump for anyone else looking for climbers around Perth. I’ve finally arrived, and have got 6 months of touring gut to start getting rid of!

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