Bad news on Castle Rock

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  • #7348 Reply

      DEC have commissioned a new walkway for the top of Castle rock.Tenders are now out, so this will be built according to the current plans. These plans involve a walkway bolted to the side of the main rock, approximately 2 metres down from top of the rock. The walkway starts at the top of the existing ladder and traverses around the eastern side and onto the southern face. This means the top sections of The Screw Route, Plains Dweller, Vous and others will be blocked (unless you can squeeze through the 50cm gap between walkway and rock). The old walkway will be completely removed, leaving no anchor points for any climbs on the rock.

      #7349 Reply

        good god, when is this due to begin?

        #7350 Reply

          Work is to start in April / May, and will take upto 5 months. As it will be a construction site no access to the rock will be allowed during that time. CAWA may have to negotiate installing rap points at top of climbs especially on Western side (walkway is on Eastern and Southern face) to avoid conflict between tourists and climbers attaching ropes on to the new walkway.

          #7351 Reply

            This is terrible news!!! How far round the southern face? Hopefully not the southwestern corner where my project is!!!! Otherwise we could be losing potentially the best and hardest route in the state. Also possibility of a hard ass slab up the middle of that south face. How come this is the first we have heard of this? Why cant the existing path be upgraded? Crazy!

            #7352 Reply
            Conrad S.

              Can a copy of these plans be forwarded to the CAWA committee please, if not already done so?

              As a representative stakeholder, CAWA is entitled to provide input and feedback to DEC on these plans (and to have these comments heard and addressed if possible).

              To me it seems very strange that they would not contruct a new platform in the location of the old one (unless visitors have asked for an ‘airy’ experience with space alone under the metalwork.

              Placement of suitable top climbing anchors has been a long time need at Castle Rock, and perhaps this is just the incentive required to make it happen one way or the other?

              #7353 Reply

                Hey, Logan, if you really care then how about calling me on 0422 927962 and getting involved? We are a bit short of people on the committee.

                Re: new rap anchors, I don’t see any problems or permission required. If we need new rap anchors then we put them in, like elsewhere in Porongurups. Just be sensible and the smaller the things are the less likely pepole will complain, esp when they are next to enormous industrial girders…… I guess I am plugging GIMBs again…..

                #7354 Reply


                  I am curious.

                  Is there any word on what has happened?

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