Beginners (im talking a social climb once in my life!)

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      With a group we went to The Hangout at bayswater, hooked after my first… no probably my third climb when i reached the top. Got a friend thats happy to go with me now regularly but we found the Hangout a little understaffed (one staff member all day) we were in a group of 25 or so and had to wait an hour even though we booked just to get our harnesses, another larger group arrived and people were waiting at the entrance for over an hour just to get in, definatley giving sundays a miss in future!

      we are going to try the one in bassendean on friday evening, hopefully not so busy so we can actually get shown what the hell to do! haha but we had fun working out what we could for ourselves!

      can anyone recommend a beginners course? or should we just keep going and pick the brains of climbers next to us that seem friendly? (pretty much what we did yesterday)

      I have a feeling this is an addictive sport? i can barely move my arms but cant wait for friday to go climbing again! 🙂

      #7827 Reply

        Yep you will find it is very addictive 😉

        The hangout unfortunately is going downhill, but Bassendean and Northbridge are both pretty good, if you go down the staff and other climbers will both help you out and give you pointers to get you on your way.

        Happy climbing.

        #7828 Reply
        David Wyndham

          Yeah, you’ll get hookd quickly. Then you’ll come outdoors and get hooked all over again.

          If you want some help ask people around, chances are that unless someone is in a hire harness then they are a regular and will happily give you pointers, but some people won’t offer if not asked.

          Weekends can get busy with kids birthday parties, Rockface tends to be alright between 10am (opening) and midday. Evenings can get quite busy.

          #7829 Reply

            As David said, if you think climbing on plastic and plywood is good, then try climbing on rock. It’s like the difference between scuba-diving in an indoor swimming pool and then up at Ningaloo Reef.

            If you want to learn how to climb, either go and do a course with someone like – have a look in the yellow pages for climbing courses. Or join CAWA and get involved and go climbing.

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