Best places around Perth for winter/rain?

Home Forums Climbing Talk Best places around Perth for winter/rain?

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  • #6048 Reply

      Hey chaps. Simple question…hopefully some simple answers 😉

      Where are the best places around Perth (aka places no more than and hour or two away) to climb during winter when we don’t get too many sunny days in a row? Which crags and quarries drain off and dry off the best? With a few days of questionable weather being forecasted ahead it just made me think about what to do come the winter months.

      Pitty we don’t get no snow/ice over here 🙁

      #6049 Reply

        Toodyay, llama,darlington and randall are usually great in winter for ropes most of the boulders dry quick if your into bouldering.

        #6050 Reply

          Jay’s right, and out of his choices Toodyay Boulders is the best. Not only it dries the fastest as on top of exposed hill but if the weather turns nasty you are back in car in 10min. Plus the main boulders have a built in rain shelter.

          Besides Toodyay any other granite boulder with no runoff on top. But avoid “soft granite” (Avon Valley NP, Bald Hill), it gets water soaked and crumbly….funnily enough….

          #6051 Reply

            Thanks for the replies so far guys.

            Another question: How well does Stathams do post-rain. Looks like it cops a lot of light and has not much above each climb to leak water for days on end.

            #6052 Reply

              skywalker wall at mq is ok in light rain and dries fast. not sure about stathams though

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