Blackwall Reach Breakin

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  • #5138 Reply

      On the 26th of December a fellow climber from rockface had the following taken from the main parking lot (the one with the new looking bitumen and shelter)

      (brand new) harness, shoes, rope and wallet with $300 cash.

      I park their myself despite the warning from others thinking that with the popularity of the place in this heat wave that the traffic in the carpark would put off any breakins although this seems to not be the case.

      Alternative: Park 200m down the road at the main golf course parking lot that overlooks the road. The fact that it is exposed and receives traffic should make it more ideal especially if you plan to go at a irregular time.


      #5139 Reply

        Went today, parked at golf course and noticed that the main carpark has smashed car glass in multiple places must have had a rampage.

        #5140 Reply
        SHANE SHAW

          I firmly believe that any person who steals from another person should have their hand chopped off, just like they do in Saudi Arabia. It may be draconian however they will learn a valuable lesson.

          #5141 Reply

            My Office Christmas party was held this year at Point Walter, on the grass just across from the Blackwall parking area. During the 4 hour function multiple company and personal cars were broken into and some computers and other things stolen. Please be aware that breakins are really common in this area.

            #5142 Reply
            Jeff M

              I have been hearing about cars getting done over very often, in the same locations, so maybe it is time to do a bit of vigilante justice, pay these bastards back a bit. The cops will never get them so that leaves it up to anyone else if they want to slow it down.Any ideas?

              #5143 Reply

                Seeing as I live right near Blackies and can pretty much take an accurate guess at who does the stealing 😉 Same bastards who stole my motobikes 😉

                Let’s get them. Haha.

                #5144 Reply

                  I was at Blackwall on the 30th, noticed a lot of broken glass around as well. I also saw a few utes parked there as we were leaving, some with diving gear just left in the back. As long as easy pickings like these are left around, I suppose our locked cars should be safe enough 🙂

                  I’ll be parking at the golf course from now on though, wish I’d read this last week.

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