Bolt plates

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  • #5202 Reply

      Can anyone out there tell me the right size bolt plates I need for WA. Went to buy some and they asked whether I needed 10mm or 12 mm. And is 90 degrees preferable over 45 degrees or doesn’t it matter?

      Thanks in advance for any advice.

      #5203 Reply

        Hi Warren,

        get all types….

        I assume you mean the removable bolt-plates for hex-head bolts rather than fixed-hangers?

        The older bolts are usually 3/8″ while the newer ones are usually 10 mm. 12 mm bolts are usually only used for rap anchors or belays and similar and not that much for protection on the rock. But not always…

        Most bolts plates then are either suited to the 3/8″ or 10 mm, although the 10 mm ones will fit onto a 3/8″ but not always the other way around, so I usually go for the 10 mm – but often you get what is in the shop and that’s it.

        However you will find that some bolts are slightly over-sized – either as someone has used something strange – like a 7/16″ (10.7 mm) or, if it’s a carrot (bash-in) then it may have expanded and the bolt-plate won’t fit.

        As for 30 or 45 or 90 degree – it depends on the rock, the bolt and the climb, so I have all types. Some bolts are easier to clip and to get the crab through with one type, other with another type.

        I hope this helps…

        #5204 Reply

          I just measured the slot size on my bolt-plates….

          PFH 45 deg – 10.05, 10.10, 10.10, 10.30, 10.30, 10.50 mm

          PFH 90 deg – 10.40, 10.50, 10.50, 10.55 mm

          RP 45 deg – 10.10, 10.20 mm

          So there seems to be quite a bit of variation – although how much of this is due to manufacturing and how much to me plummeting is unknown.

          But there isn’t much room left on some of the bolt-plates if the bolt is 10 mm!

          #5205 Reply

            Phillip, thanks for the info…very useful. Seems that I’m gonna need a good variety…but not til next year now cos I’m heading off the the UK for 7 months and they don’t use carrots.

            Thanks again


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