bolting meeting

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  • #4173 Reply

      Hi all-

      We’ve rescheduled the meeting to discuss George’s bolting initiative for Thursday 6th July 7:30pm at UWA. Parkway Entrance 1 and I’ll have signs out to show people where to go.

      Please let me know if you can make it darnott(at)

      You don’t have to be a bolter to come along, I’ve never placed a bolt in my life and don’t ever intend to, I just have a strong interest in my safety!!

      Hope to see LOTS of people there.

      #4174 Reply

        Thanks Di

        As i have woffled on about before(sorry!:), This initiative can only move forward with support from the greater climbing community(not only those re-equipping). If you climb and are passionate about it, please come along and offer your support. I look forward to being able to put a face to a name and if you are down at willys or where ever!, make sure you introduce yourself and have a chat.

        Cheers George 🙂

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