Bolting project

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  • #5447 Reply

      Hi, I have a project that I want to bolt and am wondering if there is anyone who can lend me a drill and some expertise in the matter as I would like to do this properly. I also would like to use some form of rings so can anyone tell me where to purchase them and whatever else is needed?



      #5448 Reply

        you can borrow my drill shannon, i wont be using it 4 around 6 weeks or so ? i have 10mm and 12 mm bits. let me know if u want it and il drop it round, im looking 4 an exuse to get out of the house eh ! steve k-93903210 yea dont try txting, i lost my mobile !

        #5449 Reply
        Richard W

          Hi Shannon,

          Call me if you need any info on bolting-how to/glue etc. 0447 966559

          #5450 Reply
          Richard W

            Shannon. Back in town Thursday to Sunday – have a think when you would like to bolt your project. Hilti glue I can buy for $55 per pack.

            #5451 Reply

              Cheers Richard, Mate I am free Friday arvo, and all of Sat and Sun, I am good to go anytime and can work around you. Will let you know about the glue as I may be able to convince work to buy a few tubes for me (free is always better than cheap).

              Thanks Mate


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