Bouldering in East Victoria

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  • #12485 Reply

      Hey, I am looking for information on Bouldering in East Victoria. I know this is Western Australia climbing but I’ve contacted people on climbing forums over east and the West Coast is the best coast when it comes to kindly responses. Most people over east are saying that there are very few guides to bouldering near the Avon wilderness forest and Alpine national Park and very few boulders and climbing period. I find that hard to believe. Perth has plenty. Why wouldn’t the east near the massive forests have boulders?
      I have a feeling most people in east victoria would rather live in the west near the grampians etc.
      Also maybe over east they don’t realise that a 6 hour drive in Perth is not unusual to go for good climbing 😉 So anything under a 2 hour drive is close.

      #12496 Reply
      Oli C

        I think you’re right! I’m in the Mt. Beauty area of East Victoria over the Easter weekend and was hoping to find some good boulders to have a play on – not taking my trad gear. May just carry my boots around with me when on the family walks. Let me know if you’ve found anything though as I’ve had no luck.

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