Bouldering in the SW

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  • #9578 Reply
    Tyrone C.

      Hey all,

      My mates and I went out a few weeks ago and scoured some sites along caves road, and we happened upon Moses Rock (just north of Gracetown).

      Nice area for some bouldering, but as far as i know no offical routes have been set (other than a few bolts for some lead climbs). We set a few while we were there, and we plan to go down again and set some more. There is heaps of potential for climbs from about V7 and below, so we thought making a guide book would be sweet (full photos will be added too)!

      Gives people more to climb other than just Whaleback. If you have climbed out there and/or you have set some routes, or you find out our routes are originally yours, give me an email ([email protected]) and we’ll add it or change the details. We arent too worried if what we are setting isnt first ascents, as long as people can get to the area knowing some cool routes are there to be climbed.

      #9579 Reply
      Mike (R)

        Sounds great Tyrone. I think there are a few other places to boulder near Whaleback too, like Merchant Rocks, Contos and Copper Rocks… Should put ’em all in a guidebook for that general area like they are doing in Albany…

        Anyway. Good job.

        #9580 Reply
        Tyrone C.

          Yea man, I can do, might have to release it in sections. Otherwise people may be waiting a while for a guide. But super keen to get back down there soon and smash out some good routes, it’s such a nice area, and the rock allows for heaps of crimpy and sloppy climbs.. Really awesome!

          #9581 Reply

            Moses Rocks is listed in the SW Guide with routes up to 21 (more than what is listed on the CAWA website). Locals have climbed a heap of other lines up to about 22/3 but these have not been recorded or listed anywhere.

            #9582 Reply
            Tyrone C.

              Hey Krish,

              I know a lot of roped climbing has been done in the area, i’m not too concerned about that it’s the bouldering aspect of the area that i want to capture. There are tonnes of good bouldering routes that can be put up, and if there are already some bouldering routes there, i’ll make sure they are included.

              #9583 Reply

                No drama’s agree there is heaps of opportunity for bouldering and have mucked about a bit and known others also to have, but I have never come across any recorded info. It seems the same for other areas around, some of which get mentioned above.

                #9584 Reply

                  you guys should really get in contact with Steve Holland or Andy lampard. Those guys have done heaps down that way, a lot dating back 10yrs. Especially Conto’s, Redgate, cosy corner, etc

                  #9585 Reply

                    I need to get in touch with Steve or Andy.

                    Can anyone send to me their contact details, or ask them to get in touch with me please?

                    My number is 0419 858 023, thanks.

                    #9586 Reply

                      hi Eric, you can call me on 0431777631

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