Bouldering/climbing competitions

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  • #9541 Reply

      Why are there not more climbing and bouldering competitions in Perth and surrounds. I like outdoor climbing as much as anyone, but why shouldn’t we take a lead from the US and start some competitive climbing and bouldering events. I know that there was UCC a while ago, but as far as i know this was a rarity. Thoughts please.

      #9542 Reply

        would love to see some more boulder comps happening

        #9543 Reply

          It just takes someone to stand up and say “I’ll organise it”. I organised two state championships years ago for CAWA and would be happy to talk anyone through what we did if you want to give it a go. Rockface have organised a few over the years too.

          #9544 Reply

            Yeah, wish I could, but I’m a bit young and inexperienced (I’m only 17). I would love to be able to see some of the talent we have in WA and have some tangible measure of climbing quality in WA. Also, competitions would give me knd of a goal to look forward to and train for.

            #9545 Reply

              Many want events. Few want to help organise them.

              #9546 Reply

                I guess that’s the clincher really.

                #9547 Reply

                  Age is no barrier, only energy & determination… and everyone starts out inexperienced regardless of age.

                  – Walk in to Rockface or Hangout – ask if they’d be willing to hold an event. Pick a good date.

                  – go to the outdoor shops ask if they’ll sponsor with prizes (they will)

                  – see if CAWA will help you organise it

                  – spread the word, make posters, advertise on this forum…

                  – keep the excitment going, make sure people are talking to each other (gyms, shops, etc.) and aware, people will help you if you provide the energy & determination

                  You never know, you might enjoy yourself! and people will thank you.

                  #9548 Reply

                    Many want events. Few want to help organise them. Many give advice.

                    #9549 Reply

                      ….on a more positive note, where there is a will, there is a way. Chris’s points are all good…this kind of thing requires much planning, talking, and many helpers. It helps if there is commercial vested interest – a gym keen to promote itself, or a shop that will provide subsidised T shirts if their logo is on them. So maybe a way to go would be to approach one of the gyms and say “me and my friends would really like to help you put on a bouldering comp”, some free labour may get them motivated… is a lot of work…..unlike me blabbering here which is easy…. 🙂

                      #9550 Reply

                        In the past, CAWA ran a number of indoor climbing comps, and a few other people such as Chris also organised bouldering comps, including at least one out on real boulders.

                        As well as getting help to organise and run them, the other two major issues are the cost of the event – particularly those run at a gym; and just getting enough people along to make it worthwhile.

                        With all of the comps run by CAWA in gyms, CAWA always made a very significant financial loss, due to the costs of having to pay someone for the route-setting, advertising, money to the gym and so on. All the CAWA people involved were volunteers and got no financial gain out of it.

                        #9551 Reply
                        Mike (R)

                          What about another outdoor comp? (not that I’d even be back in the country). Wouldn’t have to raise so much money. You could try and do it at some new super secret area or something.

                          Or just have a big outdoor boulder bash where a bunch of people vie (and/or encourage each other) for FAs and you end up with heaps of new lines in a new area… There is always competition when you have a big group. Maybe there’d be enough projects and new lines at Eldorado or Dead Goat? somewhere else?

                          #9552 Reply

                            Im sure you could drum up enough participation if the amount of boulderers at rockface these days is anything to go by. Was packed tonight with the walls just being reset.

                            #9553 Reply

                              Yeah, outdoor bouldering comps are really taking off as well. At Melloblocco in France just recently, 10,000 people turned up to participate and spectate. That’s like a concert!

                              #9554 Reply

                                Weren’t there some comps running at The Hangout and Rockface recently?

                                Albeit in a different format of new problems set over weeks…but still if people support that and provide feedback to those organisers then perhaps it will demonstrate the popularity/interest for a full day comp?

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