Broken hold on Sweat Pea, MQ.

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  • #8388 Reply

      An email was just sent to CAWA informing us that another of the glued-on hold has broken off ‘Sweat Pea’ at MQ, making it even harder – 28? 29?… The hold is down the bottom somewhere in the grass, so if anyone finds it, maybe they can glue it back on or keep it for someone else to do?

      #8389 Reply

        Found what I believe is the broken hold and left it at the bottom of the climb.

        #8390 Reply

          I thought the broken hold was on Cardiofunk? Either way i can drill a new pocket rather than bolt/glue another one on.

          #8391 Reply

            The hold is the triangular rock glued on, for the left hand after the small right hand pocket above the bolted on hold after the crux after the break…… You kinda have to match foot to hand on it, so if you drill a pocket there instead of gluing the original hold back on, keep that in mind.

            The top hold on Cardio has been glued back on.

            Thanks for offering your time and efforts Emil.

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