Bunbury Indoor PCYC wall CLOSED to public

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  • #9476 Reply
    Eric de Beer

      Went to Bunbury PCYC indoor climbing wall tonight, apparently the climbing facilities are closed as there is no accredited supervision. Damn, winter coming up and no place to keep in shape in Bunbury. Could someone from CAWA help?

      • Who do I need to contact to arrange use of the wall?

      • Can we not arrange access and climb at our own risk. Having climbed trad/sport for many years should count for something…

      • Who can I contact to buy the holds from and set up my own wall?

      • What accreditation is actually required? Coming from South Africa, if you were a member of the Mountain Club South African (MCSA) it would allow certain privileges, does CAWA have the same?


      #9477 Reply

        For accreditation, you need to be ‘Artificial Surfaces Climbing’ NORLS accredited.

        See http://www.outdoorcouncil.asn.au/nolrs_rego_38.html

        You also need to comply with the relevant AAS.

        See http://www.outdoorswa.org/page.php?id=7

        Expect to pay several thousand dollars for accreditation.

        If the wall is to be used for anything other than self-use (and friends, who can still sue you if they are injured), then it needs to comply with the relevant Australian Standard. That will probably cost $20,000 – $50,000. Plus insurance if you use it for anything other than yourself and mates.

        Several years ago, the various government authorities were also going to bring in NORLS accreditation and AAS requirements for all outdoor climbing, including you and your mates on a Sunday arvo at Willys (ie, you and your mate would have to pay an accredited instructor to hold your hand while you climb), but CAWA managed to get that changed.

        #9478 Reply
        eric de Beer

          So where is the good news? It is really a shame the way bureaucratic bull can dampen the untamed spirit. Signs of the times….. How was it then previously managed? Any hope?

          #9479 Reply

            Numbat has pretty much nailed it and unfortunatly Bunbury P.C.Y.C. has paid instructors to get accredited in the past but not long after they have left, now head office is reluctant to give another grant, particularly as the wall was struggling to break even. This isnt the whole story but its the line they are towing for now.

            I am willing to keep supervising the running of the wall but unfortunatly i dont have the spare $1500 or so needed to get all qualifications, if outdoor agencies are willing/able to donate the course to a not for proffit organisation……

            Anyway hopefully things will turn around, but for now things aren’t looking good.

            As for buying holds there are a few options, try http://www.uprising-online.com, woodieworx / uncarvedbloc. there is plenty to choose from

            #9480 Reply

              Not sure how you managed but great effort, thanks Ryan….

              #9481 Reply

                It was a team effort Eric, but we were all happy to do our bit.

                Just so everyone knows if you happen to be in the Bunbury area, we have managed to get the PCYC back up and running again. At this point it is only Thursday nights from 7 till 9 but we will hopefully expand on this if numbers are good, and going by our first night back it shouldnt be an issue. Will post an update if we get an extra night running.

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