Bushfire damage

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  • #2534 Reply

      Does anyone know if Darlington Boulders and Churchman’s Brook were affected by the latest fires? I know the fires were in the vicinity of each of these areas, and one burnt around Mountain Quarry. We’re hoping to go to Churchman’s on Saturday, but won’t if the fires been through.

      #2535 Reply

        i was just going to start a thread on the same topic..has any climbing location been effected by the fires.

        i believe the first fires were in the pickering brook/ karagullen area and the was a thread i read today saying mountain quarry had a fire around it…but it appears no damage there…what about other areas…shark rock and outlying smaller areas??

        #2536 Reply

          It seems the main fire in the Pickering Brook area extended from north of Brookton Highway and east of Canning Road and up to the eastern surrounds of Mundaring Weir. There are no crags in this area that I know of.

          The Helena River Valley west of Mundaring Weir seems unaffected (Shark Rock & Darlington Boulders + other minor areas). Churchmans Brook is south of Brookton Highway so its OK. The surrounds of Mtn Quarry is probably all burnt out but this shouldn’t affect any of the climbs.

          #2537 Reply

            Suggest you go to the Message Board topic First Ascents/Mt Quarry. You will see a posting by Richard who explains what it was like to be climbing in the quarry and surrounded by fire last Sunday.

            #2538 Reply

              Churchman’s was fine, although there were a lot of sirens about that morning. The helibombers were dropping their loads only about 1-2 km from the crag (according to Kev’s distance estimation). With all the smoke about we decided to quickly do the 2 climbs we had set up and then leave. If we’d seen fire of course we’d have exited a lot faster. By the time this was done the smoke haze had cleared and there was no sign of fire or sounds of sirens. The sore eyes and sinuses remained for some time however.

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