CALM and Mt Quarry Stabilization

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  • #4966 Reply

      With the current re-bolting of Learning to Fly that SCWA has been doing at Mountain Quarry, the issue of safety and the stability of the rocks which the line runs over has become an issue. I had a discussion with a CALM representative today who mentioned he is currently waiting on a geotech report on how the stabilization done in 2004 is holding up. My thoughts is that this would be a good document for CAWA to have a look at as it effects all climbers here in Perth.

      In relation to Learning To Fly, I spoke with CALM who feels the larger bolted on section is fine (awaiting the report of course). I mentioned in particular the square shaped section of rock below this which most definately is not fine and the representative has taken my details to look at the block mentioned.

      I have also spoken to Ron Master who has given his blessing for the unsafe section to be removed. I have repelled numerous times over this route now and it is a truely stella line – a classic that with CALM’s help will be a must to red point for those hardmen/women out there!

      #4967 Reply

        Some caution is warrented in dealing with Calm on geo-stabilisation. Their original idea was to dynamite Sky Walker wall. Generally they are in the hands of their consultants and if the consultants decide that safety requires the destruction of an entire wall they’ll do it.

        #4968 Reply

          Wo knows what lines lie behind the loose blocks. Mind you also, if a block needs to be dynamited, is it likely to come off while being climbed on.



          #4969 Reply

            I did Urban Ethics for the first time in about 8 years the other day. OMG what a clusterf**ck that wall is. Covered with spraycrete, a history lesson in WA bolting practices, lines squeezed in between each other. Grid bolting anyone?

            A few sticks of dynamite could be a nice fresh start….

            #4970 Reply

              I think that the stabilising rods added during the quarry works, rather than climbers’ bolting practices, are responsible for the grid-bolt effect.

              #4971 Reply

                yeah, that too mate. there’s a route just left of UE with big sticky-outey (tech term) bolts and massive hangers. you could clip about 3 of them from UE if you were inclined….

                #4972 Reply

                  Bring on the dynamite, a few new lines would be great… While they are at it how about removing the large boulder at the base of the wall at stathams. We could get another 5m of climbing in…

                  #4973 Reply

                    Here, here. Hell, i would even front some money to hire the excavator for that one… Imagine another 5-8m of climbing on Chips and Dips.

                    #4974 Reply

                      Why stop at the boulder? Lets blast down a bit. Be cool if we can create a bit of a cave to start in.

                      #4975 Reply

                        We could run some glue down the face and make some tufa! What about some 2 by 4s next to each other for a nice finger crack 🙂

                        #4976 Reply

                          Shaped charges have come a long way in recent years…

                          #4977 Reply

                            In regards to Sky Walker wall – plan to move on to that soon to clean things up and re-bolt. Trying to finish what I start first. Would love a hand if anyone is keen!!

                            #4978 Reply
                            shane shaw

                              Richard, count me in to help mate just say when…. you got my number. should see you on Sunday anyway to see the climb

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