Can I join a trip?

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Can I join a trip?

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  • #3445 Reply

      I have recently moved to Perth from Tas and have the last weekend in July free to hopefully get in some outdoor climbing. I am a safe and experienced climber, however as I haven’t climbed for over a year I would prefer to stick to grades not much harder than 18. I enjoy leading but don’t mind seconding or top roping, and am not really into bouldering. I have harness and boots over here but the rest of my gear is still on its way. I also have transport so can meet up with people who are not based in Perth. Please can post your contact details if you are keen for a trip!

      #3446 Reply

        Good day to Australia and hello climber,

        I will come to Australia (Sept. 05 and Jan till July 06) and I like to climb in that time a lot … BUT I have a problem. I am on my own (with a nonclimbing girlfriend)! So I’m looking for some climbing partners in all parts of Australia – specially in WA and NT!

        So … if you like to meet a european climber (Grad +/- 18) or if you have climbingfriends or if you have friends, who know someone who climbs or if you have a friend, who has a friend and the sister of the neighbour of that friend climbs … I am sure you know what I mean 😉

        Feel free to send this email to all people or organisations you know. I’m glad about every contact I can get (even if my girlfriend want be it ;-).

        Do you know some good internet links?

        Do you need perhaps a „Climbing Partner Wanted“-Paper for the pinboard in your climbing gym or your climbingshop? Just write a hello and you will get it …

        Thanks in advance and regards from

        Frank ([email protected])

        from Germany

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