Car stolen at Rockface

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  • #5110 Reply

      A couple of climbers (no one I know, possily out of town) got their car stolen from in front of Rockface around 7pm last night. It was an old car that was probably easy to steal. 3 hours later the cops were nowhere to be seen. Love ya Perth.

      #5111 Reply

        What else is to be expected from Northbridge.

        I hope karma bits them on the arse and they crash and burn…providing the owner has it insured 😉

        #5112 Reply

          Rockface carpark is truly unbelievable for theft, I’ve had my car trashed once out the front, a mountain bike stolen out of it on another occasion and have a friend who only recently had her car flogged from out the front – DON’T PARK THERE.

          #5113 Reply
          Trish B

            Amazing these idiots trying to stir things up. Annoyed has obviously never been to the Rock Face Carpark, and seen its good security lighting and cameras and afterhours boom gate. Annoyed probably doesn’t live in the state.

            #5114 Reply
            there is a better place

              why bother parking there or going there at all, go to urban ascent it has a better wall to climb on and your care will not get broken into and to make it even more attractive everyone is happy to see you and no snobs. after many years of having to endure the rock face now i have forgotten where it is

              #5115 Reply
              better place????

                Ahh yes the better place. Better climbs, if you are 6’6″, better walls if you are not interested in actually training to be a better climber and better environment if you are towards the gumby inclination.

                Actually if you believe any of the tripe that a better place could be you obviously are fat and useless that dosen’t understand the idea of RIDING YOUR DAMN BIKE YOU FATTY BOOMBA so thereby actually developing the endurance to get up the wall.

                Is Churchmans considred a ‘BETTER PLACE’ by any chance?

                #5116 Reply
                hit a nerve

                  gooly gosh have we hit a nerve i do ride a bike i do have indurance and i am not gumby so why don’t you take your pills and would you like some chesse whith your wine bye bye upset climbing gumby oh and before i forget you are the type of person that gives the place a bad name no wonder people are sick of the place and go elsewhere. pity it wasnt arund a couple of years ago

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