Carnarvon Ranges

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  • #1995 Reply

      Anyone been climbing in the Carnarvon Ranges ?

      #1996 Reply
      Jim Tuscott

        That’s the home of the biggest rock in the world – Mt Augustus (scree slope extraordinaire). Dave Wagland has climbed extensively in this area, with one leg! I think he is now in NSW working in a coal mine.

        #19266 Reply
        Neil Mackintosh

          Very remote. Zero climbs. Soft crumbly ancient sandstones.

          I climbed a little with Dave on Mt Augustus and other Ashburton and once with Jim on the Burrup peninsula.


          #20720 Reply

            I certainly would give Augustus a big berth, having spent a few days there 3 years ago. It is at least 150km of dirt road to get there from any direction, it is a chosspile and the capmsite at the station  is run by a bunch of drunk rednecks. Petrol is available for about $2.50 per litre ONLY at that station (better to have a diesel). There are probably better options in the area though, closer to Carnarvon…..and better options still pretty much anywhere else, huh…….. ;-P

            #100316 Reply
            Frances Kininmonth

              Carnarvon Ranges is a VERY LONG way from Mt Augustus. CR are between Great Northern Hwy & Canning Stok route, east of Well 5-6.
              & I think you now have to gain permission to enter the area from the aboriginal people at Wiluna, as it’s now been gazetted as a special reserve. Mt Augustus is located east of Carnarvon/Gascoyne Junction & further east is Meekatharra. We have always enjoyed our 2-3 visits to both places; & yes & made sure we had plenty of fuel (your choice) on board. Cobra Stn (nearby) may still be better camping….not sure of the present time facilities. Check with the Dept of Environment & Conservation.
              At the Carnarvon Ranges there is a terrific climb up from Virgin Springs, not sure how far to the top; affording you some brilliant views across to Mt Essendon/ Lake Kerrylyn & the plains surrounding the ranges.

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