Just a reminder to all climbers that at the CAWA AGM, a motion was passed for the committee to look at ways of improving access to the CAWA committee minutes by members. The CAWA constitution (sec 6.7(c)) ensures that any member who requests a copy of the committee minutes must be supplied them.
Basically given email/internet acess today, the motion was for the committee to investigate ways of giving members easier access to committee minutes, so we can know what the committee is doing.
Under the motion the committee has 6 months from the AGM to carry out an investigation and propose a solution. So if you have any suggestion as to how to make it easier for members to see what the committee is doing, please forward them to the committee, post here or email to [email protected]
Can you add them in pdf format to the website?
Hi to anyone concerned,
The committee’s efforts have been principally taken up by the access issues raised by CALM’s proposals regarding limiting climbing on CALM managed land. A moment’s reflection would suggest that some of our discussions have been quite robust, even sensitive. A further moment’s reflection would also suggest that these issues were of a very high priority. My arguement at the AGM was and still is that CAWA business is CAWA business and should stay so and is not for unlimited public access. Members who want to see the minutes can do so and are doing so. The issue will be on the next meeting’s agenda.
Di – as far as I know it must be typed text. However there is no reason you cannot send a pdf file to the Secretary for discussion at the committee meeting. I’m sure the committee will welcome members input on any CAWA issue.
Toc – maybe wires are crossed here. The motion was for the committee to investigate ways of giving CAWA Members easier access to committee minutes. Nobody, except you, has mentioned putting the minutes out to the world – that is NOT what is wanted.
Yes – members can already access committee minutes (as guaranteed in the CAWA constitution). The idea was to use modern means to make that process easier for both members and the secretary.
Now that the Cape Range issue is under control I’m sure the committee can come up with simple & effective ways to make the process simpler & easier.
what i think Toc was referring to was that it was suggested that the minutes be put on the website…
this website is used by many people who are not members of cawa…
therefore by putting it on the web then the general public will have acsess to this document
maybe instead they can do a save to document as a pdf and do a bulk email to members instead….
To all,
From where I’m standing, it is far easier to email the minutes to members who request them than any other option. Certainly easier than members visiting me at home and reading them there. Until something better is available, that works for me. Your suggestion, Steve implies more work for me, over and above that which I am already doing and the same will apply to who ever else takes on the job of secretary.