chat room

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  • #2520 Reply


      if there was a chat room or something where we can talk directly to people (not leaving mesages like this) that would be good.


      #2521 Reply

        nice idea….raises hand to second it if its a feasible option to set up

        #2522 Reply

          I hope this doesn’t come across as overly negative- but do you think there’s enough traffic on this message board to make a chat room viable? Frequently this board goes a week without any postings- that wouldn’t lead to a useful chat room!

          The CAWA committee does a heck of a lot already so maybe we should figure out if there would be enough use of a chat room to justify someone taking the time to develop it??

          #2523 Reply
          Chris Dorrian

            Thanks for the ideas cameron.

            A chat room could be nice, but what Diane says is true.

            I’ll note your idea and raise it with the Committee next meeting – but currently we couldn’t achieve this basically for the reasons Diane mentioned.

            Ultimately, CAWA’s goal is to support climbers in WA and this website aims to contribute to that goal. There is still work for us to do here and we want to keep this site as an evolving, interesting site firstly for WA climbers and secondly for all other climbers.

            Your feedback is important, please keep it coming!

            Chris Dorrian

            CAWA Website Creator, (& past President 2001/2002)

            #2524 Reply
            John Knight

              Chatrooms aren’t always a huge bonus…. with the current setup we have, people can reference back to old posts, with a chat room, information goes as soon as it comes.

              I’ve been a webmaster before and shared experiences with similar webmasters, when a chatroom gets introduced, the chatroom then becomes the focal point and other areas get neglected. They also tend to have their own ‘sub-culture’ and people who lurk in them, not always newbie friendly, etc.

              Personally, I’d rather stay the way we are, but heck, I’m just one guy with one opinion, what does everybody else reckon? 🙂

              #2525 Reply

                Nice points by all….and i can see both points of view. as far a traffic is concerned, jus because there are few posts…doesnt mean there isnt the traffic…most times in enter the site there are between 3-7 people sometimes more…

                i think it would be just another forum to promote discussion between climbers..the post would still occur as i think the message board is well establisded and has a great range of topics.

                just thinking about those climbers who dont have ready access to other climbers to through such venues as climbing those who live at a distance….

                also on the other hand if it is going to take an unreasonable amount of time to set up and monitor then resources might be better put elsewhere..

                cheers all


                #2526 Reply
                John Knight

                  We could always just have an irc channel….

                  #2527 Reply

                    whats an irc channel?

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