Cleaning of Skywalker Wall

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  • #5324 Reply
    Richard W

      Blair P and myself began cleaning cement etc of the skywalker wall today. We’ve started on U.E and Star Wars in the hope to clean up the mess and re-bolt. Please note the rock underneath this cement will look a little faded until some sun and water gets back on it but it seems to be comming off OK. If anyone wishes to help – cool. Just be aware the holds with cement on need to be treated with care. There will also be a lot of loose dust/cement around until it’s all brushed off as well – quite a process. Cheers

      #5325 Reply

        Nice work Ricardo and Blair, legendary effort!.

        #5326 Reply
        Richard W

          U. Ethics is clean. Still some smaller cosmetic work to be done but generally finished. Next break will move on to Star Wars. Best method found was with a hammer, wire brush and toilet brush. Light hammer to loosen, wire brush to remove and brush to clean up dust. Stabilization rod holes are filled with grey cement. Plan to fill these with hit re-500 which will turn orange and faded. Should blend in well – a lot better than cement. Please comments and thoughts on this would be appreciated. Am also keen for comments/ideas on how to remove exsisting geotech bolts. Rock is soft and bolts are thick strong. Cutting them off flush and filling over would be the best option, but how should we cut them without damaging rock? Idea’s? Ta!

          #5327 Reply

            options: (1)hacksaw and lots of time (2) if there is a head then big spanner and long piece of pipe – twist off (3) camouflage in epoxy and leave in situ. ….actually, why are these rods there? to hold the cliff face in place?

            #5328 Reply

              get a grinder attachment for that nice shiny hilti drill and grind away… also, you could mix some dirt with the glue to camo it better, which BTW, you might be better off using liquid nails or similar for, cause at 80$ per tube of HIT 500, you’ll be wasting some coin.

              just as a last note, and maybe a similar ‘no wait…’ as ross, if you chop the ends of the reinforcing rods that hold skywalker wall perpendicular to the earth, then maybe they wont do their job as well? just a question…

              #5329 Reply

                The rods sticking out were used to anchor the drill that was used for the 4 or 5 massive bolts that “hold” the wall in. These bolts are recessed and covered by an approx. 20x20cm square of cement stuff.

                #5330 Reply
                Richard W

                  Ya! Only bolts used to hold their gear up have been removed and patched. (8) The large rod holes are currently untouched except for some surface cement which I intend to cover over with Re-500 which will dry to a handy orange colour!

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