Climbing across Australia! – Looking for climbing partner

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  • #14149 Reply
    David Zz

      Hi mates

      I’m a german climber who arrived in australia 1 week ago. I’ll spend a one year working holiday trip around australia and I would like spending as much time in climbing as possible.

      Therefore I’m looking for some locals who are interested in meeting new climbers or even like to travel around for some month.

      I started climbing 4 years ago and I’ve got a lot of outdoor experience (I went climbing (outdoors) twice a week)

      I’m climbing up to grade 25 (I think it is the same as 8+ UIAA) and I am used to climb with camalots and other mobile security gear.

      Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to bring more than my harness and my climbing shoes to australia, but if it’s necessery, I’ll buy other equipmen…
      I also have no car yet…

      At the moment I’m at Bunbury and I’m going to travel on around the south west (direction Albany…)

      Please answer if you’re interested in having some outdoor fun or if you just want to help me starting climbing in Australia (e.g. give me some hints for rocks, other websites for climbing in Australia,…)

      I’m looking forward starting my amazing climbing trip trough australia, maybe we’ll meet soon!

      See you,

      #14152 Reply

        hey david,

        my friend is currently travelling around margaret river and heading down to albany. he’d be very happy to find some climbing buddies. send him and email if you like: [email protected]

        and when you’re back in perth, let me know, i’m always looking for more climbing buddies 🙂

        nina (0400029651)

        #14155 Reply

          Hi David,

          I live in Bunbury and just so happen to be about to head to Germany on holidays. I have this weekend off and most of my climbing buddies are away at the moment so i would be happy to take you out.

          You can call/ msg me on 0427 254 847 or if you see this early enough, make your way down to the Bunbury PCYC (just off Parade Road near the Recreation Center) on thursday night between 7 – 9pm and meet up with some of the other local climbers.

          This will be my last weekend home before i fly out so i hope you can make it.


          #14197 Reply

            I am in Australind, 10 min drive away of Bunbery, have the equipment in my car and looking for someone to climb with. there is a quary half an hour drive from here if you want to have some climbing today. call me. 0405268195

            #14216 Reply

              Hey, I am currently in Margaret River and looking for ppl to climb with… I would have time most Thursdays/Fridays an weekends. Because of some lack of space I just brought my climbing shoes…But I would definetly buy some stuff if i can find people to climb with regularly…I have been climbing outside some but wouldnt call me a really professionell climber yet 😉

              So if u r interestet just give me a call or a text 🙂 0429470236


              #14231 Reply
              David Zz

                Hi mates

                thank you for your answers and especially to Ryan for showing me some climbing spots.
                I am going to travel on to margatet river on friday…
                see you

                #14238 Reply

                  hey david…we thought about going climbing sunday morning around margaret river…would you like to join in?


                  #14246 Reply
                  David Zz

                    Hi Lisa,
                    it would be great going climbing on Sunday…
                    But I’ve got only shoes and harness…
                    I am looking forward to meet you!


                    #14279 Reply

                      Hi Guys

                      I am Giacomo, I live in Dunsborough, I am a beginner climber but I have got ALL the gear for climbing. I usually go to Wilyabrup at least once a week, usually weekdays morning….If you are looking for a climbing buddy contact me on my mail [email protected]



                      #14282 Reply

                        Hey David,

                        unfortunately I got sick this week and therefore cannot climg this sunday 🙁

                        How longl are you going to stay in Margaret River?


                        #14288 Reply
                        David Zz

                          No worries.
                          I’ll stay at least one week in Margaret river. And the weather is really bad at the moment – I think even overhanging walls are wet…

                          See you

                          #14385 Reply

                            Wanna join us climbin tomorrow morning David?


                            #14393 Reply
                            David Zz

                              Unfortunately I read it to late.
                              See you tomorrow – I’ll use the bicycle

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