Climbing Areas North of Perth

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  • #2884 Reply

      I’m relatively new in Perth and live in the Northern suburbs (Iluka, near Joondalup). There doesn’t appear to be much in the way of established climbing areas up this neck of the woods. Does anyone know of any good climbing spots nearby?



      #2885 Reply

        Hi Stan,

        You’ll have to go east to the hills. Probably the closest and easiest from Iluka is Toodyay Boulders. One of the local guides will show you where these are. Just north of the road opposite are some bouldering problems and further in along the creek is a small cliff. If you’ve gone that far, you’re most of the way to the quarries, Darlington Boulders, or even the Avon Valley.

        I have seen some small limestone quarries off the road out to Yanchep. I don’t know if anyone has played in them or if it would be allowed or even worth the effort.



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