Climbing at West Cape Howe

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  • #2906 Reply


      I am planning on a trip to the South Coast in Jan, we are keen on climbing at West Cape Howe.

      I heard there was a fatal accident due to rock fall near the pulsar butress/raft. Is this area particuarly prone to loose rock ? Are there any other areas of WCH that have loose rock or is this widespread through the region ?

      Secondly, how serious is the 4 wheel drive track to the camping area/top of cliff. We have an all wheel drive Subaru Impreza…any chance of getting there in that ?


      #2907 Reply

        Hi Colin,

        The Pulsar area has significant amounts of loose rock and some of it is very large and some of it is unexpected. All of West Cape Howe should be treated with care.

        You could possibly get your Impreza in. It will never forgive you. Don’t do it.

        Have a safe and good time,


        #2908 Reply

          Hey Colin. I cannot get a valid account of what happened in that incident. Other “reliable” sources say that it happened at Torbay Heads off Shelley Beach and not at WCH at all.

          Saying that, yep, most ledges accrue loose rock but the climbs themselves are generally ok. We climbed down there 2 weekends ago and hired a 4WD to get in. I own an Impreza as well, and you wouldnt get even it 200m down the track – dont even try….

          #2909 Reply


            Subaru Impreza = no chance, you’ll get stuck in the soft sand near the climbing. You need 4WD+clearance. We had to tow Honda CRV out of there, several times.

            Definitely wear helmet and climb carefully, but not as bad as Bluff Knoll but some less climbed routes are dirty. Have a look while walking/rapping in and walk/jumar out if you don’t like it. I have walked from Shelley Beach (upper carpark) to climbing area in 55 mins so consider.

            #2910 Reply

              was down a couple of weekends ago, had a great weekend. As a rule, the cliff (especially the better travelled bits of black wall and southern ocean wall, plus vulture street area) is pretty solid compared to other seacliffs I have climbed (and compared to anything in the stirlings, where if you don’t like a handhold just yank it off and expose a new one). There is loads of loose tottering stuff above Pulsar area, some looking freshly fallen, and the descent to the raft is a bit dodge (but then I have a natural hatred of descents). 4WD wise, a proper 4WD is definitely necessary. Have been there in pajero, and thats fine…awesome cliff though. One of the best ANYWHERE as seacliffs go.

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