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Today it appears someone lese was locked in mountain quarry and di not have the code for the gate. apparently they asked the commercial company (who is unknown at this moment) the code and they refused and locked them in. It was only that a friend of a friend had the code and after a few telephone calls they got out.
Take notice Commercial groups this is the 2nd time in the last month that this has happened, why don’t the assholes who have done this grow up and stop acting like children. You give the codes to your customers but no one else. Well I have in the past found gear left behind by companies and have done the right thing and delievered it back to them. Well now no cooperation or help and all gear left behind will not be handed back.
If the company or companies that are guilty of this childish behaviour need any help in the future they have just runied it for the rest.
Well it sounds as as if “pissed off” is not very happy. I personally agree with him/her because it is the 2nd time that this has occured. Personally I would suggest to everyone that if you are going to Stathams or Mountain Quarry and the gate is open make sure the code you have works because if it does not then you may be locked in.
I actually found a rope that was left behind by a commercial company 3 months ago and I also acted honestly and handed the rope back. I also will now have 2nd thoughts after the last 2 episodes.
Why don’t DEC get their act together and just leave the gates open.
a message for “pissed off” 2 wrongs do make a right.
“Why don’t DEC get their act together and just leave the gates open.”
Probably to stop people taking cares in there during the night and screwing the place up 😉
I thought the idea of staying safe was to “take cares” in there?
Actually I have in the past been locked in mountain, I found that as you leave the quarry, before you cross the creek there is a track heading right, follow this for about 800m, it goes to another gate, 50m back along the track is a steep firebreak that goes down to coulston road. Not ideal but something to remember if anyone ever gats caught in without the code again.
Meh. Look, there’s one easy solution to the problem.
If you DO NOT know the code to the gate (or if you don’t know anyone in the quarry that knows the code) then DO NOT drive your car into the quarry.
I mean really. People that do that are kind of asking to be locked in.
No point blaming the DEC. If you don’t have the code, don’t drive in.
Having said that, yes I would personally let someone else out.
So in this instance, the climbers hadn’t been to Mountain Quarry in months so were unaware of the new booking system. It was quite a surprise when the outdoors company refused to give them the code as they had gotten along fine in the past. The climbers then rang me and I told them the most recent number I knew. Turns out that the code is now getting changed on a weekly basis and last weeks code no longer worked. A bit more ringing around and we got the current code. From now on, assume that the code changes weekly.
The problem in this instance is that not all climbers are up to date on the latest changes for quarry access. In the climber’s previous experience, the code would remain unchanged for years and would be willingly shared. A better response from the outdoors company would be to provide the current code as a courtesy and explain the new process so that the climbers could “do the right thing” in the future. If they encounter the same people abusing the system again then sure, be less forthcoming with the code.
There are three ways to address the lock issue (which is useful as it keeps out bogans):
1. As you drive into quarry check that your code works, always. Don’t just drive in through an open gate.
2. Buy a good steel hacksaw and keep it in the car. This is a small insurance policy and you will always get out (after 10min of hard work). You can also get a padlock to lock the hacksawed chain shut behind you if you are nice…….then you always have access via your private lock….This is obviously only for an emergency situation. Idiot abseiling instructors should realise that locking people inside quarries will make them liable to a law suit if someone gets hurt and cannot be moved to hospital because they cannot get out.
3. Bring a backpack – if you cannot be bothered ringing in first (Perth Hills NP Centre ph:92952244), then park car and walk in instead. The parking at the Statham’s gate never had any breakins as far as I know, at Mtn quarry park at the houses on other side of Coulston Rd, not at qate. In both cases it is a 10min walk. Never leave anything in car.
Eventually people will work around the problem and the dust will settle.
If you do want to strike back though (something to be said for that too), just superglue the lock in an open position, a few drops on the number wheels will do fine..
technical point. I don’t think a hacksaw would work well. The purpose of the chain is to stop the lock getting lost when the gate’s open. The actual locking mechanisim is a steel link quite well shielded with a lock at each end.
1) Commercial operator enters, leaves gate unlocked
2) Ratbag climbers replace padlock with a different one, lock gate, run away in fits of mirth
3) Commercial operator locked in!
will you marry me?
brilliant idea.
When we doing it?
How many times can we do it?
my shout on the locks?
have a good stash from my little holiday in US / Cuba “fun” camp.
Thanks Charlie, will have a better look next time, maybe a portable oxyacetylene set would do better……..tech point to Di, cannot remove or replace the lock, it is welded to chain…but you can change the combination if the thing is left unlocked, presumably just just press in the recessed button and dial in a new number? But we could get collateral damage that way among friendly abseilers, so I like the superglue better. It hurts no one and just renders a dumb system inoperable.
Well Peter, yes I might marry you, send pic of your rack and then I will decide! 🙂
Di great idea, pick me and marry me. I haven’t seen Peter’s (rack) but mines bigger 🙂
Bullshit, mine is so big that I need a frigging chest harness to carry all the gear I’ve got and believe me you ain’t seen crap like that before. Forget the other posers. SS is a big bloke but don’t know about his rack…..
Mate, Shane’s got so much gear that you would need to haul bags to move his passive pro up a wall alone.
…but my dick is bigger. 🙂
Geez boys quit fighting. My rack weighs more than 10% of what I do so it’s not really size I’m after . . . .
Boys it aint necessarily the size, it’s how well you use it. You know quality over quantity…
Though my rack is a pretty decent size 😉
Typical. A pretty woman comes along and everyone loses focus. Appart from the locking business it seems that the booking thing isn’t strickly enforced. Individuals may be pretty much free to come and go as they please ?. DEC may be happy that it’s covered itself. (Is this true?). The commercial people will always do as DEC says. If they lock people in the quarry they may themselves be locked in the quarry. Eventually they’ll learn . However the booking and locking should be resisted officially. DEC, and whoever the current relevant minister is should be politely reminded every once and a while, that the climbers don’t accept this. CAWA has rolled over on this, it’s time they put in a formal protest.
CAWA has not rolled over on this.
It was brought up at our last meeting with DEC and we have been advised there is now an internal DEC discussion, the results of which will be presented at our next meeting.
By the way if you feel like doing something useful, CAWA needs a secretary and treasurer. The president is sick of filling in these roles and actually has other things to do, like follow up things with DEC. Getting involved, would mean you wouldn’t make such erroneous statements. Reading all of the posts on the site, not just this string would do the same thing. Asking if we were doing something about it, would get a answer as well, but just stating CAWA has rolled over gets up my nose.
If I could snap my fingers and solve all your problems, I would. I’d fix world poverty next and carry on from there, on the 7th day I’d rest. But I live in a world where powerful forces are difficult to deal with, and many people stand on the sidelines and swipe at those struggling with the problems that are there. Which world do you live in? The sidelines are comfortable, but some of us do, not just swipe.
lol charlie = 0wnd
Quoting Charlie, 22 Jan 2008
” CAWA has rolled over on this, it’s time they put in a formal protest. “
Are you a member of CAWA Charlie? If not, why don’t you join and then do something about it? If you are a member, then why not join the committee and give up an evening and come along to a committee meeting, and also give up a day and come to a meeting at DEC? And give up a weekend and come along to a meeting at DSR?
Go Toc!
Will you marry me? 🙂
It seems like a valid question, Toc. We havn’t had any stated position from CAWA. No feedback on any progress with CALM. If anything the website communication has been info on how to abide by the rules. I can see how this would look like a roll over. So how about a CAWA position and some indication of what we hope to achieve. This thing people keep repeating – I’m on the committee therefore I’m above criticism – doesn’t help.
And BTW, why are you doing all this stuff. I know I spat the dummy but there are heaps more people on the committee.
Hi all, especially Di. I’m not single, but I wish I was twins. 🙂
At the moment, I walk round the corner to my old house to get online, new house doesn’t yet have broadband, so I don’t have a chance to say as much as I would like about what is going on. More to the point, we don’t know what is going on. The whole point of the “God” joke is that we are not actually omniscient and snapping fingers at issues actually doesn’t work, it takes continuous discussion with land managers to get stuff sorted. We are still waiting for answers. There is a meeting being scheduled for early February and we hope to have more information then. Secondly, if as seems to be happening, DEC officials are making decisions about climbing matters without discussing it with climbers, we have a serious problem, which we have to address. We are then left always playing catch up. This is a serious issue and we have asked DEC why it is occurring, because it is not supposed to. It certainly does cause difficulties.
Ultimately CAWA is only as strong as the climbing community will let it be. Think about it guys, we need you.