Climbing Holds

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  • #9456 Reply

      I’m in the process of making climbing holds. As there doesn’t seem to be anyone making them locally.

      All holds have embedded washers and are made from super strong resin.

      I will over the next few days re-do the older photo’s with a scale plus a cost.

      Email me with any questions or if you’d like a closer look at any of the holds.

      #11883 Reply

        Hey Author,

        thought I would send you a quick response to the climbing holds, with the new Australian Standards in place testing is required on holds available for sale and in climbing gyms. I can give you a copy of the section from the standards if you like. If you have not conducted tested on your holds I would hate to see you in a position of liability. Give me a shout if you have any questions regarding this.

        #11884 Reply

          sorry i meant Mushy!

          #11887 Reply

            Thanks for the heads up Damien, I have changed back from trying to sell them and will continue to tinker away as just a hobby making holds for my wall and friends walls (people that won’t sure me if a hold breaks).
            Thanks again for your caution and yes I would still be interested in having a read on what standards do need to be followed should I decide later on to try selling them.
            my email is [email protected]
            Just saw the new photo’s of the gym too, looking very cool, you must be happy with the progress now the place is starting to take shape.

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