Climbing on Bluff Knoll (and rest of Stirlings)

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  • #8181 Reply

      Off to do ridge walk over a couple of days this long weekend, and hoping to do some climbing too. Can find a few references to trad climbs on Bluff Knoll, but not much more (don’t have Climbing in WA guidebook – just northern, Southern and margaret river rock individual guides).

      Could anyone give me enough information to do some climbing this weekend – either a www reference or to my email (tomwalwyn”at”hotmail”dot”com)

      Many thanks


      #8182 Reply

        Catagorical Statement: There is nowhere in the Stirlings that you can climb without a proper route description and description of the approach. It’s too big. You need a guide book.

        #8183 Reply

          See the miniguides to Mt Trio and Barnett Peak under

          “climb/mini-guides”. MT is more friendly and easier to get to than BP. Bluff Knoll is not in any guide other than the old CAWA guide.

          #8184 Reply
          ed nepia

            if you are a really solid experienced multi pitch trad climber BK would be a good adventure, getting to the base is a bit prickly, we climbed the BK track beyond the large obvious gully then followed a spur on the true L of the gully to where its obvious you need to traverse left to reach the climbs. traverse a long ways left and youll get under the main cliff

            the cliffs a big maze of corners, ramps etc. and even though my partner had climbed it 4 times before we still seemed to be lost most of the time

            the large obvious roof at around mid height is the great roof (avoid this unless your very good, its had just one free ascent)

            to the right of this is hellfire gully which looks more like a vegetated corner, (grade 14-16) and climbing straight toward the roof from a small black slab with corner crack on the left is coercion (grade 17-18) coercion travrses an obvious grey slab leftward beneath the roof, to bypass the roof well to the left, expect a few solid runouts

            both these are reasonable routes, however there are large amounts of loose rocks, some sharp edges and engagng runouts

            helmet, good trad rack including small cams and long runners mandatory plus double ropes

            take some water and snacks its a long day

            descend via summit trak to carpark

            thats way to little info, ross weiters blog which you can link to from this site has some good pics and im sure there must be others out there with more info

            its not for the faint hearted but its a really good adventure

            have fun

            #8185 Reply
            Luke B

              A bit late for you now, but West Australian Rock (Richardson) has topos and route descriptions for BK and Talyuberlup.

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