Climbing partner wanted

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  • #7888 Reply


      Have not climbed for months and months but am really keen to get back into it. I only have the basics so usually climb indoors at Urban Ascent, but keen to go outside if anyone with gear is willing for me to tag along. I used to climb anywhere between 15 to 21, but am probably only good for low grades until I get fit again! Not at all a hardcore climber, just really enjoy it, so am happy to climb with anyone.

      My number is 0417 010 805.


      #7889 Reply

        Hi Kate,

        I do a FIFO roster up N so have a week out of every 3 to do some climbing. I’m a bit like you in being a bit rusty but I’ve managed to keep relatively fit. If ur keen, preferably outdoors then give me an email. I work in remote areas so phone is a bit costly.

        [email protected]

        I have outdoor gear, including spare harnesses and some shoes that I some how have managed to accumulate.


        #7890 Reply


          I climb at Rockface quite a bit. Usually around 4 – 7pm a couple of times a week. So if your ever up for a climb just drop me a message. 0408005057



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