Is there a guide book? Who bolted it? I thought it was you guys & girls.
I climb often here and have been before the bolts were here.
I ran into the local ranger recently who happened to be testing the bolts at the top which are used by school and camp groups for abseiling.I got some info about them,he said i really should pay to use them.I asked who to pay?,he replied Parks and land conservation in collie.
Anyway i made the call and no one on the phone could tell me,they asked for my details and said they would get back to me….they never did.
PS:Ive made my own rough guide book for the area and would like to compare it to someone elses if any of you have made your own.
Thank you for your time i appreciate it.
Hi Dan,
There is a guide for the quarry climbs in the Perth Rock Climbing Guide by Ross Weiter, published in 2002 which i believe is out of print now? Not sure if it’s in the newer version of the Perth rock guide?
The guide says the area was bolted en masse in 1997, i think it was basically a group of individuals who bolted it, not CAWA per se.
It doesn’t appear that anyone has bolted any new lines since the guide was published. Guide seems pretty reasonable with descriptions and grades – i have a copy which you can compare with your own, should we cross paths one day.
Don’t pay anyone to climb here – that’s BS
Wellington Dam Quarry is included in the latest copy of of the Perth Rock Climbing Guide (2010).
g’day chrisH & Mark
There are two new climbs at collie (attack of the march flies L finish 21? & alternate R finish 22-23?) both routes need a second assent to confirm the grade,the second (A walk in central park 19?)these are located left hand corner of main wall.A.O.T.M.F’s is to the right of the existing corner climb & A.W.I.C.P is to the left of it.I’ve taken the time to scrub remove any loose rocks little one’s still fall occasionally (beware)
I appoligise if i upset anyone by doing it,i will post bolt info if you like.
THrough this act i got to this website & have read info on the bolting code.
P.S Thanks for responding so promptly CLIMB ON!!
Hey Dan,
The bolts at the quarry were supposedly ‘rap-bolted en mass and in a great hurry in 1997’ as stated in the 2002 Perth guide – haven’t seen the 2010 guide to see what is said in there. However, having climbed many of the lines including those that reputedly have badly placed bolts I find it hard to believe or the guys knew what they were doing. The bolts seem to us to be well placed and I think it is more a case of people not being used to the different rock/style of climbing and subsequently finding it scary. For sure the route finding can be tricky, as simply looking up gives little away on many of the lines – but if you are comfortable at leading low to mid twenties they are well worth trying on lead.
Feel free to email me ([email protected]) and I can let you know the grade of the other climbs there. We should be up there this week and will jump on your new routes and let you know how we find them. You have beaten us to the two lines :-), they certainly look fun and we have been eyeing them up and were going to equip them eventually. Looking forward to given them a bash.