coming back from Oman to Perth & desperate for a climb (always)

Home Forums Climbing Talk coming back from Oman to Perth & desperate for a climb (always)

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  • #4920 Reply

      I’ve been in Oman (Middle East) for a while, almost 3 years, doing lots of climbing and bouldering on sea cliffs + some work. Now it is time to come back to Perth, on 23 June. I would appreciate some info on the current scene – where do people hang out, which day and which gym? Is anyone looking for an outdoor climbing partner? I am looking to climb inside every week and outside every second weekend, incl plenty of multi-day trips, up to 22trad/24 sport. And as for my old buddies, can you pls send me your mobile/home numbers so I can get in touch – text me on 00968 92354186 (Oman!), or alt email me on [email protected] (now I’m gonna get killed by spam, I know, but only for 2 weeks, so…) C U all

      #4921 Reply
      Kath Gray

        Hi Ross, welcome back. Glad to hear you managed so much climbing in Oman. We’ve hardly done any this year, all the Albany mob being away, injured or in our case suffering a lack of babysitters. Hope to catch up soon.

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