
Home Forums Climbing Talk Comps?

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  • #6131 Reply
    Scotty J

      Any comps coming up soon? Getting bored at rockface so would love another sport comp. NSW and QLD have like 4 per year, surely we can manage more than one?

      #6132 Reply

        So long as it’s not at Dogface.


        #6133 Reply

          Hi all,

          CAWA lost money on the last 2 competitions, partly because many climbers who could have competed, enjoyed such a beautiful sunny day climbing outdoors. Who can blame them? None of the gyms is at present running bouldering competitions.

          If other states are running competitions it is because they have sufficient interested people to make them viable. It would appear that in WA, we don’t. Needed are interested people to run them and interested people to compete as well as willing gyms with appropriate facilities to host them. When it all comes together, competitions are possible.



          #6134 Reply

            Hmm…guess the thing to do is have the comp during crappy weather so we have no choice but to pull on plastic 😉

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