Cranial Void

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  • #3914 Reply

      Hey folks. Does anyone know the status of Cranial Void in Mt Quarry? There is a 2m section disturbingly (de)void of crimps at the top and remnants of a glue reinforced hold. Has something come off to make it harder? Cheers

      #3915 Reply

        sorry for the late reply yes something fell off years ago but I believe it is doable have tried the moves gunna be up there for the grade thuogh.

        #3916 Reply

          Hey Jay. Yep we contacted various crew including the FAs and you can see where the hold has come off. The top moves are blank but possibly do-able at a grade not in line with the rest of the climb, nor with its original grade.

          We have permission from the FAs to re-glue/manufacture a hold in its place. Any objections out there?

          #3917 Reply

            if you have the first ascentionists permission then go for it.

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