Day time climbing partners

Home Forums Partner wanted / Lift shares Day time climbing partners

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  • #5694 Reply

      Is there anybody out there wanting to do some climbing at one of the walls (preference is for UA or Rockface) during the day on weekdays? I’ve got a good group to climb with at UA in the evenings but I have to come up from Mandurah and I work flexible hours so some trips up during the day make sense to me. I climb somewhere between 19 and 21 but am happy to climb with people of higher or lower grades. I’m not hardcore so it’s about the person more than the grades they climb.

      Oh and wouldn’t mind getting back in to some leading either.



      #5695 Reply

        Hey Warren,

        Should be interested, just give me your email address.

        #5696 Reply

          Ooops sorry, [email protected].


          #5697 Reply

            ‘good group’!!!!!

            hey you – renee and justin both have a coupla weeks off over christmas and i’m sure they will be around to climb in the days….. also Shannon is often keen….especially to get outside….


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