Deep Water Soloing

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  • #6299 Reply
    Phillip Jones

      Hi there, a group of us are looking for somewhere to go deep water soloing.

      Are there any spots in the Perth area that people know are worht checking out. I hear that blackwall reach is good but have yet to get myself down there to take a look.



      #6300 Reply

        blackwall reach is good, perhaps not as high as you might want, kalbarri has excellent height but just check there is some water in the pools… and for the best suggest west cape howe..

        #6301 Reply

          buy an air asia ticket to thailand or vietnam….

          #6302 Reply
          Phillip Jones

            Funny you should mention an Air asia ticket..i have one that will take me to KL to check out Camp 5 and then onto Railay Beach….roll on christmas!

            Thanks for the heads up on the other places.

            #6303 Reply

              Hiya Phill,

              West Cape Howe and Kalbarri are not meant to be taken seriously as deep water soloing destinations. Great places, just not what you are looking for.

              Enjoy Blackwall Reach, it’s fun, but definitely not big. 12 metre max at low tide of easy climbing on the King Dick. Some of the other things you can do there are above rocks under shallow water, just be aware of it. Mostly people use it as a traverse, great fun or as a play area. You can work yourself really hard on the overhangs.



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