delving devoids-bolts on 2nd pitch

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  • #5206 Reply

      Just wondering if those bolts are original from waglands FA, as guide indicates “marginal protection straight up the wall”. Does anybody have any info 🙂

      #5207 Reply

        I think i remember some bolts being there when i did it but it was a VERY long time ago now in another galaxy. I possibly did it as one pitch aswell instead of two although my recollections suck. Havent been to willys in a while.

        #5208 Reply

          Are they the line of fixed hangers, about grade 18 or so, right of the second pitch of sirius?

          #5209 Reply

            Hey Owen,

            Yes, the bolts to the right of Sirius 2nd pitch. We are keen to replace them, as they look a little shady (maybe not??). Do you know if they are original??

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