doctor familiar with fingerinjuries in WA?

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  • #6236 Reply


      does anyone know a doctor in WA who is familiar with fingerjoint injuries (most probaly osteoarthritis)and is capable, if necessary, to treat with injections into the joint?

      all informations most welcome,



      #6237 Reply
      Dr Seuss

        Yez, Ve cun trit u! Vhat do u vant mi to ingekt into u?

        #6238 Reply

          Don’t know what preexisting problems you have but my last finger injury was severe. Even though I have used a sports med doctor who is very good, I found that Alex Retallick who runs Hand Works (occupational therapy)really knew her stuff. I got exactly the treatment and rehab I needed whereas aforementioned doctor hadn’t a clue. I wanted to make sure I regained full or close to full range of movement and avoid contracture.

          Hand Works-several locations north and south

          Alex 0414 305 435

          #6239 Reply

            This kind of abuse is interesting. The poster is clearly pretending to be a certain kind of person or from a particular group, and by being abusive is trying to provoke anger at that group. He’s playing to a certain stereotype and trying to encourage prejudice.

            #6240 Reply

              I am choking on your sociological stereotypes, Charlie.

              #6241 Reply

                You missed the rant. You’ll have to make do with your own snide little coments.

                #6242 Reply

                  >>>snide little coments

                  Nice sbellink, moron …

                  #6243 Reply

                    Angela Thanks for removing the abusive post. You can probably clean out the rest of this trash.

                    #6244 Reply

                      You’re welcome Charlie, and yes I probably can clean out the trash, when it is truly abusive and obnoxious. I do see your point but dodgy humour (Dr Seuss) and not seeing eye to eye hardly rate. I’m not going to be the CAWA netnanny over every little slight (oh Pete you hurtful boy, stop name calling or I’ll hang you from the naughty biner).

                      That doesn’t mean ‘moron’ is fine and dandy but let’s put things in to perspective.

                      For the record, I only posted the deletion of certain remarks to let those responsible know these blatantly racist types of postings will not tolerated. Censorship is not my thing.

                      #6245 Reply

                        Well that’s integrity. Much appreciate your work.

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