Easy Granite Bouldering

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  • #1683 Reply

      Hey i was wondering if anyone could suggest some easy granite bouldering places around Perth.

      #1684 Reply
      John Knight

        I live about 45 minutes from Perth and there’s endless granite around me with some greats spots, of which I’m always going on about (which Ross will agree with). 😉 I can recommend some stuff up here in the hills if you like, nothing near Perth’s centre though……

        #1685 Reply

          Sounds good as long as there is some shade

          #1686 Reply

            What do you consider ‘easy,’ Aidan? There are lots of boulders around Kalamunda, around the start of the Bibbulmum Track. Not really much that you can do in street shoes- there are a few V0 around though but not too much around the 14-15 grades if that’s what you consider easy.

            Pretty sure the CAWA guidebook has info on the location of a lot of these boulders- nothing specific to bouldering really but you can at least see where they will be!

            Mt. Randall also has a few boulders scattered around, you can do some bouldering at Peppermint Grove, also Blackwall Reach, all these are in the CAWA guidebook.

            And if you want to improve your technique and ability, The Hangout has lots of boulder problems up right now to play on- it’s the best way to get better!! Good luck!

            #1687 Reply
            John Knight

              For cool granite and easy bouldering that I can guarantee a decent day out considering the trip, Toodyay boulders are great (it’s not in Toodyay, don’t worry).

              If you’ve got gear, go to the main area in the guidebook, if not (it’s worth a look anyway), check out roadside, mad max and secret garden. If you can get into midland and go up Toodyay Road, it’ll be a few minutes up the hill, up RedHill way. The road flattens out for a bit and there’s main area on your right and other stuff on your left.

              A mate and I went on a mini-expedition in search of a patch of massive bare granite we spied from the road once, but turned up nothing, ah well…..

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