filth and bolt studs – the current (?) state of Skywalker Wall

Home Forums Climbing Talk filth and bolt studs – the current (?) state of Skywalker Wall

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  • #2039 Reply

      Peter, myself and Richard had a look at the Skywalker Wall in Mountain Quarry (we abseiled over it)last weekend and are wondering what is happenning there. CALM undertook a rock bolting project there to stabilise this face, as in their opinion it was unstable.

      As of today, the wall is completely unsuitable for climbing; not only it is still covered in a coat of abrasive cement filth that smothers holds in many places, there also seem to be many industrial-looking 1/2″ studbolts (often with hangers) sticking out of the wall. Many of these are right next to the old climbing bolts. At least one is placed in shattered rock right next to a hairline crack (on Star Wars, level with the Skywalker roof). The climbs Star Wars and the routes L and including Vader have many such bolts, in all cases the studs stick out of the wall 1-2″ and pose major danger to anyone who would fall there. The routes between Urban Ethics and Vader (inclusive) are not climbable (except maybe for pitch 1 of Vader and Skywalker). So questions I have are:

      (1) When is the filth finally going to be removed ? one would think 4 months is enough for CALM to do the job. The task is far too great to be achievable by climbers or volunteers.

      (2) When are the stud bolts going to be removed ? (presumably these were placed by CALM to somehow assist in the stabilisation works). They are very dangerous and someone will get cut up by the studs which stick out 5 cm from the face in many cases). There are about 10 studs at the top of the wall.

      Before the CALM works, this was the best climbing face in Perth. Currently it is not climbable. Why not?

      #2040 Reply

        Yes. It’s a real shame. Best wall near Perth… now shite.

        #2041 Reply


          To get some answers to your questions re Mt Quarry; the CAWA access officer has tried to contact a key CALM representive however he is currently on holiday. CAWA will do it’s best to get some answers and closure on this.

          #2042 Reply

            I’m sure CAWA will sort this, Jon is aware. The web posting is to let other climbers know about the state of affairs and hazards.

            #2043 Reply


              I guess CALM thought they were being nice to us as after the tragedy at Gracetown, as they are a bit nervous about being sued, particularly when they have been told some rock is dodgy which is apparently the story here.

              Concrete and cement can be cleaned off, but it’s not a pleasant job and not at all easy in this case.

              I’m just curious about these bolts. They don’t sound like they are the rock bolts which were put in to actually hold the wall together. These, I thought were supposed to be inset and they would be quite large. If not inset, they’d be very obvious. Is that what it looks like to you?


              #2044 Reply

                not wanting to unintentionally malign anyone.

                but wasnt there a climber X saying he was going to rebolt that wall?

                as i said…not wanting to malign anyone but his post was the first thing that jumped into my mind when i read about the current state of that skywalker wall.

                hoping if climber X reads this and can correct this if i am mistaken.

                #2045 Reply

                  I don’t think there were any climbers X, Y, etc. The additional bolts and studs look like they were used to suspend the drilling equipment. As such it should be CALM’s responsibility to remove them.

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