first accent of hang ten

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  • #4031 Reply

      So who’s claiming the first accent of the newly chipped hang ten?

      Or did the rock just crumble away to form a convenient side pull?

      Should have dropped this clasic 24 test piece a grade or two,good work.

      #4032 Reply

        where’s the new hold? do i hear a lynch mob gathering?

        #4033 Reply

          Pitchfork on standbye.

          #4034 Reply

            There goes my project 24…I haven’t seen the degradation; does anyone know if was it intentional or accidental?

            #4035 Reply
            The Other Scott

              Before I get too worked up, I think it would be prudent for me to inspect the damage for myself.

              However, if the damage really is as serious as it sounds, then chalk up another one saddened by the loss of his project (I was sooooo close!).

              I am also interested in the motives of the offending party. Ignorance? Accident? Or just too crap to rise to the challenge? Please post up. We truely are interested in hearing what you have to say.

              Any more details as to where on the climb the chipping occured?


              #4036 Reply

                Guys, don’t whine, just go to bunnings and get some 2 part-epoxy putty, these come in a small cylinder and in all kinds of colour and match rock well. It should take just a couple of mins to fix, easy. If I was in Perth I’d do it….can’t let weenies mess with climbs like that. Some wars are worth having….

                #4037 Reply
                Scott #2

                  But whining is all that gets me through the working day!

                  Thanks for the info regarding the putty. I didnt know about that.

                  #4038 Reply

                    A good solid crack with a blunt object will restore the climb to its former glory

                    In regaurds to where,about level with the two small crimps at thr crux,now two small crimps and a larger side pull crimp.

                    #4039 Reply

                      I was climbing hang ten the other day when the suspect hold accidently fell off under the weight of my lever bar so no need to worry about it any more.

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