found some climbing gear

Home Forums Accidents, near-misses and mishaps found some climbing gear

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  • #2268 Reply

      found some climbing gear on a route at Willyabrup “fat chance” it is black diamond equipment and i was told through a third party that it may have been left after an accident involving some injury on that climb i wuld like the opportunity to return equipment so if its yours or you know of them please phone 97555599 and ask for George.

      #2269 Reply

        Hey George

        I believe that may be a quick draw and nut left by my brother and I. What happened was whilst my brother was leading, he had the rope in his mouth to pull more rope up to the next clip in. While doing so he fell with the rope in his mouth which ripped one of his incisor teeth out and fractured the very front one. Oddly the one that ripped out was retained off the ground, reinserted and is fine now but the fractured front tooth will need replacing with a falsy.

        So rather than chase up this equipment we headed off straight away to a dentist at Margaret river.

        If possible would be very grateful to have the equipment back but thought Id write anyway to let others know what can happen- i know thats how Adventure out teaches climbers and ive seen other climbers with rope in their mouth-just a word of warning.

        My number is 9371 6588.



        #2270 Reply

          Hi josh,

          Put your nut and quickdraw in the mail last monday. Hope your brothers tooth is OK and I will no doubt catch you when you are next down.

          cheers George

          #2271 Reply

            Using your mouth for the rope is common practice and will keep getting taught. It is up to the climber to remember not to have it in their mouth as the rope takes up in the event of a fall.

            #2272 Reply

              one remidy for this is to grip the rope with your lips rather than your teeth,hope your bro’s teeth are ok.

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